BA03014 Geranium E.O. 10ml (天竺葵純精油)

BA03014 Geranium E.O. 10ml (天竺葵)

貨號: 9646d9c8d19f 分類:


BA03014	Geranium E.O. 10ml (天竺葵)

Geranium E.O.
INCI: pelargonium graveolens oil
Cultivation: organic.
Place of production: Italy
Extraction method: steam distilled
Part of Plant: flower
Main Components: trans-anethole, α-ethyl-p-methoxybenzyl alcohol, p-anisaldehyde, carvone, 1-phenylpenta-2,4-diyne, fenchyl butanoate, neomenthol, (2e)-dodecenal, β-ethyl-p-methoxybenzyl alcohol, trans-thujone, fenchone, carvacrol, linalyl acetate, unidentified, (e)-chrysanthenyl acetate, thymol, fenchyl isobutanoate, (e)-β-terpineol, linalool, cis-thujone, (e)-dihydrocarvone, unidentified, geranial, myrtenyl acetate,
